
Time-based (version 1) UUIDs ordering in PostgreSQL

The problem

Not so long ago I wrote about a little strange problem with time-based UUIDs I faced (Retrospective time-based UUID generation (with Spark)). This time I needed to do something more usual. As you surely know, UUID standard has several versions. Version 4 is purely random numbers, version 1 relies on the identity of a machine and the timestamp with the counter, etc.

Let’s consider version 1 UUIDs. They include timestamps with counters, so they naturally can be ordered by it. In other words, having two time-based UUIDs, I wanted to say if the first is lower, greater or equal to the second. No big deal, say, in Java: u1.timestamp().compare(u2.timestamp()). But I wanted to do this in PostgreSQL, inside SQL query. Postgresql does have uuid data type, but it provides no functions for comparing them by version 1 timestamps. That is why I decided to write such a function myself.

Version 1 UUID structure

You can find the full UUID specification in RFC 4122. Let’s consider here only the part of version 1 which we are interested in. UUIDs have length of 128 bits, i.e. 16 bytes, which have different meaning in different versions of the standard. Version 1 layout is shown on the picture:

UUID version 1 structure