My Talks

Page content

On stage


Apache Kafka tiered storage: why and how?

A talk about the scalability problems of the pre-3.6 Kafka and the benefits of the tiered storage for Kafka users. The details on how tiered storage is implemented and the challenges that me and my team faced when building the plugin for AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage.


What is New in Java

A talk about what new has happened in Java since version 8 up to version 12 given on a Helsinki Java User Group meetup on 11.06.2019. Slides


Akka Streams. Introduction

A talk about Akka Streams given on SPb Scala meetup 2017.2 on 04.10.2017. Slides. Video (in Russian).

Scalando Academy

A series of lectures on various aspects of Scala for developers from inside and outside Zalando. Slides.

Introduction to Tensorflow

A introductory talk/demo on Tensorflow given at the AI Helsinki Tensorflow study group meetup on 04.05.2017. Jupyter notebook.

Akka Streams. Introduction

A talk about Akka Streams given in Zalando international on 09.03.2017. Slides.

Akka Streams. Introduction

A talk about Akka Streams given in Zalando Finland on 10.02.2017. Slides.


Scala.js - Frontend in the eyes of a backend developer

A talk about Scala.js given on a Frontend Finland meetup at Solita Oy in Helsinki on 25.05.2016. Slides.